
Imaxe do presidente da APFSC.

Francisco Barea Paz, president of the Ferrol-San Cibrao Port Authority

Welcome to our website.

This Port Authority is among the four main port authorities of the North Atlantic-Cantabrian coast. Our facilities are gateways to Ferrolterra (A Coruña) and A Mariña (Lugo) and are one of the main socioeconomic motors for both regions.

With its 111 years of history, our mission is to guide the development of the ports of Ferrol and San Cibrao, to guarantee the availability of infrastructures and the rendering of services that result in the competitivity of its clients, and to create value for society.

The  goals we have set for the coming years are finishing as soon and as best as possible the train access to the outer port in Ferrol, promoting the enlargement of the container terminal of Caneliñas, completing the reorganisation of port uses, deepening the traffic diversification policies to attract new goods; renovate Ferrol’s maritime façade; beginning the rehabilitation of the old maritime Command, returning to normality to our processes and services, recovering traffic, attracting new operators and lines, and projects that fit into the Next Generation program, promoting R & D and sustainability policies and raising awareness of the importance of port activity to the future development of Ferrol and the future of the A Mariña region.

We also work in favour of dialogue and joint actions of the different administrations with the port community in our area of influence, as well as in favor of cooperation between the public and private spheres, something fundamental for the economic recovery after the shock of the pandemic.