


The Port of Ferrol-San Cibrao is committed with security and efficient movement of passengers and merchandise through the port. To achieve this, the Port of Ferrol-San Cibrao has a group of procedures of security regarding to the International
Protection Code for the Security of Ships and Port Facilities (PBIP) since its implementation in June 2004. These procedures implicate a more restrictive control of the Port area, control and surveillance of commercial docks, Port personnel,
ship provisioning…

The commercial docks control and surveillance is the Port police work. The Port Police consists of nearly forty professionals, among them the Port Police Chief, three Heads of Service and seven police for each team
work. For developing their work the Port Police have five cars and a patrol boat, which is used, among other activities, for the surveillance of the ship’s sides when the security needs require it.  There is also four Protection Officials
for the Port Installations (OPIP), their responsibilities, among others are making an initial evaluation of the Port installations, guarantee the elaboration, implementation and the maintenance of the Protection Plan, making periodical inspections,
coordinate the necessary protection systems…

The interventions protection practices are made annually for a continuous improvement, standing out the one made on the 25th of September in collaboration with the War Marine, SASEMAR, the
Civil Guard and the Harbour Master’s Office.

The Port also has a Service Coordination Centre where the surveillance cameras of all the Port premises are controlled.

However, in 2007, the process of improvement of Port premises
control access was completed with a car license plate reader to identify authorised vehicles and, in this way improve and widen the presence control.

Finally, the installation of control access into A Graña Marina quays.


The Port of Ferrol-San Cibrao is committed with fulfilment of the Health and Safety Prevention at Work law (Law 31/95 of the 8th November and modified Law 5/200 and Law 54/2003) and their complementary regulations, among them The Prevention
Services Regulations (Real Decreto 39/97, modified by the Real Decreto 604/2006 with a Integrated Prevention Plan for all productive processes).

In order to guard that the Law is obeyed and that Works are controlled in the Port
area, the Port has several Security Proceeds. Those proceeds activities such as port Works, ship Works, mobile cranes Works, fuel supply, dangerous merchandises control… The security formats necessary to elaborate different activities in the
port areas can be download in the download area of the web.